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Services & Continuing Your Winning Impressions



$275.00: This is a two-step process beginning with a 3 1/2-hour individual color session to determine your personalized color. The session also includes makeup tips and hairstyle ideas. Following on another day is the 2-hour basic style session, which covers learning your best lines, designs and textures, effective accessorizing, color combining, wardrobe organization, shopping tips and more. You will have a personalized color fan and notebook to take home. Normally, the style session is scheduled two weeks after the color session to allow time to make the color fan. The style session may be scheduled sooner, and the color fan mailed later, if needed. (Add $10 to mail the color fan.)

For an explanation of of what to expect during color analysis click here.


$175, 3 hours session: Limited, but useful colors and style information. Includes 3-5 information sheets and 4-5 color sticks including favorite and basic neutral colors.
Add $8 if you need your kit mailed.


$85.00 This 2 hours session provides the following:
-Color Harmony & Secondary is determined
-One Harmony sheet describing lines, designs, and textures
-Color swatches of your eye colors and shades of 5 favorite colors on paper sheets

You may have the colors placed on a mini fan for an additional $15.00 + mailing at $7
-Look at a style book appropriate for your harmony
-See fabrics showing appropriate prints for your harmony


$55.00 Usually for wanting to learn your child's or husband’s harmony..
-Color harmony and secondary are determined
-Color swatches for eyes are given, as well as a list of colors to avoid. (These are on sheets of paper, not put into the fan form)
-The client will write down basic lines, designs, textures as described to them
-Look at style book


Individual: $90.00; group of two: $70.00 each; Group of 3-6: $60.00 each.This 2-3 hour class helps you refine and develop your own individual look within your harmony. You will learn what details in fashion best express your physical and personality characteristics, and how to build your wardrobe around that look. Everyone is a combination of two, possibly three types. The types are: Dramatic/Sophisticated, Romantic, Classic, Natural, High Spirited and Ingénue.


Individual: $50.00; 2-3 people $40 each, 4-6 people $35.00 each. Review the color and style information you originally learned. A brush up is always a smart idea and will stimulate and renew your efforts in achieving a put–together look. This one hour class will review: Your harmony’s design options as to mood, look and size; how to combine varied color combinations and neutrals; general wardrobe details such as jewelry, shoes, purses, scarves and the five magic pieces of a wardrobe capsule. Individual or group session. Get your friends together and plan a class date and time convenient to you on a weekday, or weekend and call me to schedule it; I’m flexible.


$50.00 Improve upon what you are doing. Learn the latest makeup tips and color combinations to harmonize for day or evening looks. A how–to chart will be provided.


$50.00/1-hour, $90.00/2-hours, $125.00/3-hour. I‘ll help you organize the garments in your wardrobe, make the best use of what you have and put together more exciting outfits you didn’t even know you had.
Learn to accessorize more effectively. You will also have a shopping list for what you need to complete your look. .
Add $35.00 if out of El Dorado County.


$60.00/hour for the first hour; $30.00 each hour thereafter. (Home Consultations are available only within El Dorado County: El Dorado Hills to Pollock Pines, or El Dorado, Pleasant Valley to Coloma.)

For one room or all rooms. You get the samples and I will help you make decisions in coordinating colors (including paint), designs and textures in your home to create the atmosphere you envision. I can save you the heartache of choosing a carpet or tile that turns out to clash with the surrounding walls or cabinetry.

Because I know a lot about you through your color spectrum and harmony, I am able to lead you toward a finished home improvement project that will best reflect you. Exterior paint colors can also be chosen.


$50 per hour.
Coordination for clothes, flowers and theme expression. This can help save the bride the time and frustration in creating a beautiful expression of herself.


$50.00/hour. (Add $35.00 if out of El Dorado County).
For office, store, business cards, brochures, merchandise or product. Color is the first element anyone notices. It influences the public’s perception of your company, product or service. The right colors give you a winning edge, the advantage of Color Power. (I will help you make color decisions that convey the message you want to send.


$60 each ($60 +$10 mailing, each) Your packet of extra color sheets is needed.

with added colors

$75 each (+ $10 mailing each) Your packet of extra color sheets is needed.

You may choose to not have a full updated fan made for you, but have the new color swatches only, to take with you on a paper sheet (see the next option "Newcolor swatches, no fan made" below).

No new fan made

$35.Your fan is checked for possible new colors, and you take a paper sheet of new color swatches with you.


$175.You will need to have your colors re-done. No Style session.
Gift Certificates — Jewelry — Scarves and Sashes

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Hi Joanie,
The approaching Fall season made me think of you and your fantastic newsletter.
I am so amazed how easy it is to put together outfits for work and travel because my colors coordinate. It has taken time to gain control of my closet because I had previously over shopped.
Roberta 2024


Thank you for your wonderful advice, input and time! All this made me feel beautiful on our wedding day! Plus the added bonus of loving the amazing colors on a dily basis!
Thanks againm Alysia 2024

I have loved getting to know you and I’m so grateful for all of the knowledge you’ve given me! Your advice has truly changed the way I approach clothes, and I’ve gained so much confidence as a result. Thank you!
5ove, Amy (age 18) 2024

Back-story about this testimonial received by Joanie,
This person is late 30’s and a supervisor in a California State office, wearing very casual, boring clothes.
After her Color Analysis she began wearing a few of her colors and better styles and noticed being treated better and then wanted to know more about specific choices within the Fall choices best for her. So, she took the Fashion Type Class last December. This note followed thta.Tthe looking younger, even though she is barely 40, is what caught my interest.

"Thank you very much for your style guidance — I look and feel better than I did in my twenties.Regards, Adrienne S." April 2024

Hi Joan,

I have to tell you how much I appreciate how you have taught me to always look my best. We were coming home from a cruise to Italy and Greece. We were waiting in the Rome airport for our flight home. I went to get coffee and when I came back to my seat there was a husband and wife sitting next to our seats.
The women looked at me and said "You are a very beautiful woman". Her husband said I looked very classy and elegant. I was shocked to say the least.
My first thought was "Thank you Joan Jackson for teaching me to look my best."
HOW often does an 80 year old woman get told she is beautiful?
Sincerely, Barbara B.
MA (January 2024)

donnaDear Joanie,
Thank you so much for all you do to enhane the lives of your clients:
providing makeup appropriate for us
providing color and style tips for our warrobes
consulting on home exterior paint colors
answering questions as they arise
Thank you, thank you!
Donna A


More Testimonials

Oct. 2018
HI Joanie,
I am so honored to be one of your first and long lasting clients. You helped me learn how to dress and have the right make up as I started my career. I am very appreciative of you continuing your business over the years.
With gratitude,
Roxanne (from Florida)

March 2015
Meeting you and finding out about my colors has been such a great experience. I debated on having my colors done and it has been the absolute best thing I have done for myself!
Kara M.

Nov , 2014, excerp from Marje regarding her son's colors
Joanie, …Alex (Marc) uses your info all the time. It has given him a lot of confidence in how to dress to present himself well. It was worth the investment!….

(After having taken the "Fashion Type" Class)
Hi Joanie!
Thank you very much for your recommendations for both the stylist and curling of my hair. I am now feeling so much more confident in my fashion and how I present myself and cannot thank you enough for that..... I am also working on simplifying and making things easier on myself by organizing outfits as you showed us at the end of the session.

Dear Joanie,...WOW! I've learned so much. Thank you for all the time you have invested in me. It has been so much fun and I have a very nice wardrobe to work with. Shopping is easier, less time, less energy, ad happier with my selections.
The jewelry is lovely and completes my outfits!

...Wowee! You'ld think you lived next door with the promptness of the blush delivery. Thank you so much.
I just returned from a week in Boston/Salem Mass.... I was able to travel with a small carry-on bag because of the tools you gave me about color, and the [color] fan I have .....I really enjoy your newsletter.
Margie K.

Dear Joan, It's been on my heart to send you a very special thank you for teaching me about God's wonderful colors that work best on me. I've had so much fun dyeing clothing, socks, belts, and bedding.…
Keri, Templeton, CA

Dear Joanie, … Your talent for distinguishing subtle colors amazes me every time I use my color wheel that you did for me. Thank you!
Karen S., WA

… Understanding all of this color knowledge is exhilarating to me. It's magical!
Donna, Sacramento, CA

... I just want you to know how much you have contributed to my life by helping me find the right makeup, colors, and clothes in my early twenties. It has served me well in my career and personal life. As I have "matured,".... I am aware of when an outfit is seen before me, versus me being seen with a nice outfit! Thank you for what you do....
Roxanne in Florida

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Located in Placerville, CA
For a personal color and style analysis consultation,
email (sjackson89@comcast.net)

Existing clients may also place a makeup order

You may also call 530-622-6325    

This site was updated on March 19, 2025
Web site created by Bev Ludlow Anderson

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